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Coronado to Poulsbo!
1-22-2005PoulsboHome (88).JPG

Guests luxuriate here . . .   the closet alone would hold the
futon and still have more space than where we all
stayed in Coronado.  However . . .

1-22-2005PoulsboHome (89).JPG

. . . Coronado was a very special place where Dave and Alli
brought love and laughter to all of us, family and friends alike!
^5 Dave and Alli!

1-22-2005PoulsboHome (90).JPG

Downstairs bath.  Unlike Coronado, no one even
knows you're "going."  And no "genius" test
on the toilet handle!  :)
1-22-2005PoulsboHome (91).JPG

Down bath -- with . . . a big closet, of course!  And coffee maker.

Gear closet.  Oli thought they called it the "beer" closet!
"They (the sages) say"  consonants are the first to go!!

Alli's in bio-hazard mode because her mom has a cold.
What we have here is Lysol spray and an imitation
hepa filter (sweatshirt over nose).
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