Sam's First Week or So

Grandma's so happy she's indulging in MANY photos!

. . .  and getting giddy with graphics!

Click on any photo to make a larger image.

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1-30-2005 8pm 3 days old (1).JPG

January 30, 2005 8 p.m. - 3 days old
1-30-2005 8pm 3 days old (2).JPG

January 30, 2005 8 p.m. - 3 days old
1-30-2005 8pm 3 days old (3).JPG

January 30, 2005 8 p.m. - 3 days old
1-30-2005 8pm 3 days old (4).JPG

January 30, 2005 8 p.m. - 3 days old
1-30-2005 8pm 3 days old (5).JPG

January 30, 2005 8 p.m. - 3 days old
1-30-2005 8pm 3 days old (6).JPG

January 30, 2005 8 p.m. - 3 days old
1-30-2005 8pm 3 days old (7).JPG

January 30, 2005 8 p.m. - 3 days old
1-30-2005 8pm 3 days old.jpg

January 30, 2005 8 p.m. - 3 days old
Feb2 3pm (1).JPG

February 2, 2005 3 p.m. - 6 days old
Feb2 3pm (2).JPG

February 2, 2005 3 p.m. - 6 days old
Feb2 3pm (3).JPG

February 2, 2005 3 p.m. - 6 days old
Feb2 3pm.jpg

February 2, 2005 3 p.m. - 6 days old

Saturday, Feb. 5, 2005, it's "outing time" with great friends at JJ's Fish House, with a perfectly precious little Sammy.  Seeing Dave and Alli with their little "bundle"  . . . gosh it makes me happy!

Somebody's been keeping me up . . .
February 5, 2005 (Sorry, there's no clickable larger image of this one.)      

February 5, 2005  5:45 p.m.  Talk about a thriving little boy --
his parents are THE BEST there is!

You'd think from my pictures that Sammy does nothing but sleep. 
However, he has plenty to say, and judging by his stick-to-it-iveness, some fantastic character traits are already observable:

  • persistence
  • perseverance
  • hardiness
  • endurance
  • stamina
  • survival
  • vitality, and  . . . a strong voice!

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