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Sam's 2nd Week
  February 6 through 10, 2005
2-12-2005 Movie of First Bath (click here and wait)
2-12-2005 "Shark Friend's" comments (click here and wait)

2-6-2005AtHomeDinner (7).JPG

February 6 - One of Dad's famous culinary treat nights.

2-6-2005AtHomeDinner (2).JPG

February 6 - Sammy eats by candlelight, too.
2-6-2005AtHomeDinner (5).JPG

February 6 - Salad and pasta.


February 8 - Dad takes a day off work (YIPPEEE!) so let's start the day in the jogging stroller and cruise to town.

2-8-2005AlliDaveDayOffSam (2).JPG

February 8 - What's this about no sunshine in WA? 
In this photo, they are in town on one of many sunny
days we've had living within a mile of Puget Sound.

2-8-2005AlliDaveDayOffSam (3).JPG

February 8 - Sammy waves "hi" to you!!!

2-8-2005AlliDaveDayOffSam (5).JPG

February 8 - what can I say that's been better said in the photo?


February 9 - Off for a romp with Caffrey.
Sammy is 13 days old.

2-8-2005AlliDaddyDayOffNight (7).JPG
Fed and ready for bed . . . for a few MINUTES  sleep!
2-9-2005TakingAWalk (2).JPG

February 9 - and a romp with the jogging stroller; a silhouette
against Puget Sound.

2-9-2005TakingAWalk (5).JPG

February 9, 2005

February 9 - she tricked me (Alli's mom, Oli); she wasn't completely asleep.  Sleep is scarce these days!

February 9 - home after Ash Wednesday services.


February 9 - splayed!