You can click on a picture to see a larger version!

First Boca dinner, with many
feasts to follow.

Nearly matched laptops commandeer
the eating table!

Boca shopping -- this is the "new", but
there's also the "quaint" in Delray Beach.

Red Reef Park and Beach

Red Reef

Spanish River  Park with tunnel (below) to the shore.

Oli quickly makes new friends!

"Iggy" aka "Hastings" lives by the
patio/canal in the backyard.

Tunnel from the park
 to the shore.

Unlike the Pacific, the water
on the Atlantic coast is very warm.
Somehow, a digital video camcorder
(20X zoom!) came home with me when
Les and I went to Best Buy in Boca! 
The two romping raccoons were the first
to be filmed.  Give it a whirl if you are on
high speed; click on the word "MOVIE."

Les takes the Bunny's dinner order.   

Ruth fits right in with the cute bunnys.

Routine's in place . . . she gets
internet access morning, noon,
and night, and I get online about
7 a.m. and midnight!  :)  Actually,
it works very well since Leslie
isn't retired . . . yet!

War Watch - remembering our troops
keeps the TV "on".  Surely, it has far
more meaning for Les than for most people.

Photo Tree

Off to Spanish River Beach at
daybreak.  The photographer (that would
be me!) 
is in the surf at 6:30 .m.!  Proof
of how gloriously  warm that water really is!

Sandpipers walk with us.

Les talks with his hands,

. . . which must be where . . .

. . . Allison gets her animation!
Click here to check it out!

Crab House and shops at Boca Point    

Sunset dinner on the boardwalk at the
Crab House

Boca Canal behind the house

Boca shopping prize

Shopping prize includes
matching "shell."

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