From SF to Europe and Prepare for Move to NYC
July - August, 2002

Talk about change!

July 30, 2002 move day.  Packing the van!
Cold in SF, as usual!

First to MarBear's house to load her things,
and then to Doug's, which is the view above.
MarBear pretty much occupies the trailer!

We're nearly through loading.  Dinner was
down the street at Einstein's, and then hit
the road at 7:30 p.m.  Doug is staying another
day in SF to play a final hockey game.

Mom just retired and is quickly returning to her
"old" ways -  breakfast on the patio. Yes,
there will be food . . . when the kids wake up!

Drove from SF to home, unpacked their cars,
and now to relax a little. The "scoobie" was
hot on I-5 and the air couldn't be turned on. 
Plus, the Bear took a little unplanned detour
into Pasadena, with Doug on cell: "Where are you GOING, Bear?"

A little tire and rim maintenance.  Staying
connected by cell phone.Weather like this
just doesn't exist in SF!  

Still talks better while pacing!  Connecting
with a candidate for a NYC roommate. 

A sweet little kitty has taken up residence.

Kitty needs a name.  Part Siamese.  Blue Eyes.
No claws -- that's not fair!

Legal advice on transferring the Scoobie title.

Legal advice on transferring the "Scoobie"
title which is still in Doug's name, but is owned
by the Bear.

Doug and I went to OSH to scout
out "CLR" which he correctly advised
would take the haze off the glass on
my pole lamp.  Yippee!!

Celebrating Mom's birthday at Pam and Craig's,
a day after Robb's trip from SF as part of
an astounding surprise party for Doug.

Doug and Mary are everywhere!
The garage is getting a new look!

Boxes are "growing" on the patio.

  Doug has opened an "office" in the den . . .

 . . . and another office in a guest bedroom!

His bedroom is a mecca for sorting out.

And a guest room closet sports
some great looking suits!

8-11-02 Sunday brunch is shaping up . . .

.  . al fresco?  And all "scratch" stuff: Doug's outrageous omelet
with the "works", Resort Fresh Fruit Salad with special sauce,
Blueberry Butter Crumb Dessert with freshly-made blueberry
sauce, and the usual OJ, coffee, and nice warm weather..

Bubbles floating out the back door!

Alli:  Instead of rice?  Bubbles were used in
the garden wedding last night.  Mary says
it was very effective.  Click photo for close-up
of Dougie's bellybutton!   :)

On pool watch . . .

Pool time with the kids!

Aug. 12, leaving for LAX.

On our way to LAX.

Mary will see you in 10 days, and Mom will
see you in 5 weeks.  Have a WONDERFUL trip, Doug!

Happiness is: 
filling the house with family,

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